

Department of Ophthalmology was established on February 18, 2014, at the AIIMS Patna. The department has been relocated to a separate OPD wing and it provides OPD on all working days. On different days, the department also runs a special clinic for Cornea and Ocular surface disorders, Retina, Uvea, Oculoplasty, Squint, Ocular oncology, and Glaucoma. The department has been assigned two dedicated modular OTs in the New OT complex, as well as a 30-bed dedicated eye ward with modern amenities. It has been granted permission to begin postgraduate course in ophthalmology in the July 2019 session. Each year, three postgraduate seats are approved. The department currently has a strength of 06 Junior Residents and 08 Senior Residents.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the department examined 7429 patients in outdoor, with routine and complex ocular problems. From April 2020 to March 2021, 343 patients were admitted to Day Care and IPD. 287 major surgeries, 93 minor surgeries, and 980 outpatient procedures were performed, while even when COVID 19 pandemic was looming large.

The department is working hard to provide patients with cutting-edge services. During this time, the department has been able to acquire some of the best equipment. Our goal for the coming academic year is to establish an eye bank as well as strengthen our retina service so that patients do not need to be referred to other hospitals for these specialised services. We have a large referral base, and patients travel long distances to seek advice and benefit from our department's expertise. We receive referrals from all over Bihar, as well as neighbouring Jharkhand, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, and even Nepal.

Our goal is to develop this centre into the region's premier provider of basic and subspecialty services.

  • IPD beds: 30
  • Academic: Seminar hall with projector

Surgeries: Cataract Surgery, Glaucoma surgery, Paediatric Ocular surgeries, Surgical Retina, ROP Laser, Oculoplastic surgery, Squint surgery, Medical Retina services and Trauma services.

SL No.Name of FacultyDesignation

  • OPD: 6 days/week, special clinics- Cataract Refractive surgery Clinic, Cornea clinic, Glaucoma Clinic, Retina Clinic, Lens Clinic, Oculoplasty Clinic, Strabismus Clinic and Neuro Ophthalmology Clinic.
  • OT: One Modular OT, 6 days/week, Emergency service available 24x7

  • Specialized services/procedures offered by the department are Advance Phacoemulsification unit, Humphrey Visual Field Analyser Services, Yag laser (Iridotomy Capsaulotomy), OCT, IOL Master, Operating microscope with Callisto system, Advance Vitrectomy Machine, slit lamp, with Observer attachment, Green laser, Electro physiology unit, Non-ContactTonometer.
  • Refraction and Orthoptic services equipped with Auto refractometer, Paediatric vision assessment (COVD Kit), Cardiff VA, Squint workup tools, Prism Bars, Maddox tangent scale, Bagolini glass, Diplopia glasses, proptosis workup (Hertles exophtha-lmometer)


